Girl und panzer british
Girl und panzer british


By the end of the show, the Sensha-dou club is made up of nine vehicles and crews: The school of our protagonists, in contrast to the other schools in the show Ooarai does not theme itself after a specific country and fields a variety of vehicles. Each school is functionally self-sufficient, though most have a home city where they have frequently dock, and they make regular trips around their home regions. Apparently these ships are crewed primarily by students, with different students assigned to roles like engine maintenance, navigation, hydroponics, etc. The second conceit, that all schools are built on city-sized aircraft carriers (large enough to have their own geography) is a little bit less well-explained. (Also, while everyone talks about sensha-dou teaching valuable character traits to young women, it's still a high-stakes high school sport, with all of the attendant pressures from overbearing parents, government interference, and high-school drama.) In practice, what this means is that grade schoolers get to drive tankettes around and by the time they've hit university they're piloting 1950s-era heavy tanks like sportscars. Sensha-dou is seen as a valuable sport teaching teamwork, honour, tactical and mechanical skills, and gentlewomanly professionalism. kendo : "the way of the sword" - officially translated as "tankery", also called "Panzerkraft" in some fan translations) is common to this day. The idea stuck and apparently persisted well though World War 2, which happened as it did in our world, and the sport of Sensha-dou (a somewhat untranslatable pun - it literally means "the way of the tank", analogous to e.g. The justification for the first conceit is that, in the post-Versailles years of the 1920s, the German government reframed tank training as an educational activity for young women to throw international observers off the trail of their growing rearmaments program. GuP's alternate timeline is very similar to our own, with a few major exceptions firstly, simulated tank combat is an extremely popular sport for girls of all ages, and second that most major high schools are built on to gigantic travelling city- ships. The World of Girls und Panzer The Setting There are official model products with GuP characters depicted on the box art, with decals from the show, as well as various ingame GuP-related DLC items.


It also doesn't hurt the popularity of the series that in Asia, it has blended together with World of Tanks. The series has additional manga accompaniment ranging from honest supplement materiel to barely concealed yuri-fests.


In the summer of 2015 a sequel movie (with accompanying OVA) was released, and plans are in the works for a six-episode theatrical release of a second season. The anime features 12 episodes and an OVA, with a further 6 OVA's of dubious value and a charming sub-series called Yukari's Tank Corner. Oh, also all the tanks move at 3x their normal speed. Though it's debatable as to its level of accuracy to the real vehicles, the performance of each vehicle is generally close enough to real that the show is essentially normal-ville with steel treads and high-caliber guns. It's not about anime-crazy tanks either: each of the featured vehicles is a CGI/cellshade rendering of a WWII-era war machine. Due to the inclusion of said tanks this show has reached a unprecedented cult-fan following. Featuring the typical same-faced moe school girls and high-school setting, it might be mistakable for any other anime were it not for the addition of MOTHERFUCKING TANKS. Girls und Panzer is a 2012 anime released by ACTAS studios as part of Japan's Prime Minister Shinzō Abe's propaganda campaign to make the JSDF seem sexy to young losers.

Girl und panzer british